

Mother Nature
Once I call out mother nature,
To complaint the sin of her creature.
I asked her why they're harming you,
Even they knew they are born from you.

You gave them the essence of life,
You gave them birth to thrive.
But in return they only gave you pain,
They are destorying you only to gain.

They are receiving oxygen in free,
But then also they are cutting the trees.
They are destorying animals habitation,
They are destorying your creations.

For their need mountain are being mined,
From the heart why aren't they kind.
For oil your ocean are being drill,
Everywhere they had opened mill.

Oh! mother nature why are you bearing the pain,
Why humans are acting like insane.
Why are there destorying you,
Even they knew they're from you.

My friends if this stops never
Earth with ruin forever.
I hope you are listening to my voice,
Now depends on your choice.

If you wants to live in a peaceful way,
So, join hand together and say,
"We will never harm the nature,
Beacuse it's mother of every creature".

- Sidhant Mehra

© sidhant