

My Lips They Move But...
It seems that my lips won’t permit the words to escape my lips to tell you how I feel
They remain tight lipped, so protective of the secrets in my heart that they might reveal

The words are there being held hostage in my thoughts, and the emotions are there struggling to be liberated from my heart but still -my lips they won’t part

To say anything heartfelt and so my heart it aches because it is overwhelmed with all the love that I have stored for you.
My eyes are weary from all the tears that I have cried for you

My lips they move, but no words came when I tried to speak and so when my eyes locked onto yours I couldn’t help but reach
Reach out and touch you as my heart galloped to how badly I want you-to notice me

To notice that just as the sun rises in the morning, so does my love for you

Which is why it is so frustrating that my lips move, but they won’t allow me to speak to you
To tell you that my heart yearns for a love that touches the very depths of my soul
And so my undying love remains unbeknownst to you

I did the only thing left to do, and I pray that I get your attention
I wrote you a note, all the while fearing rejection
As i remain hopeful that I finally -finally get a chance to express all my crazy emotions and reveal my heart's true intentions

In this note, I unload the feelings that I have been hoarding, because I fail to emote and my lips they move, but my voice stays silent.
© thatweirdislandgirljm