

Ndakamuda ndichida ( fell in love knowingly)
At one point I almost retired, stopped believing in love
Almost took the vow of chastity coz i thought that maybe love wasn't meant fo everyone
Only thought that maybe some of us were meant to credit those in love
Little did i know that all that tym i was being refined for a better coarse

All my life, i've never been someone shy but at the moment i saw her eyes a brighter day dawned
Just by the look in her eyes,my whole world was complete
Just by her smile all my worries and insecurities disappeared
The way she moved turned my whole world upside down
At that moment everything else seized to exist

At that moment i knew i found the one, the one to confidently call mine
Well they say "actions speaks louder than words " but i say at times even the actions are silenced
Only the heart could understand though a bit shocked but everything made sense

Friends and family i've told about her, though i had not the courage to tell her about my feelings
I now truly believe that love conquers all and did my fears
They say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, but her beauty is universal even the mirror can testify

@Shakespeare 📝📝