

Sweet Sixteen
They call it the sweet Sixteen
I don't really get what's sweet about it
For my sixteenth year spanned out differently
It all started when I felt it

I had never felt like this before
At least not for another human
With everybody treating it so lightly
I didn't know what to do but I wanted more

This became part of my algorithm
Wouldn't last a day without fantasizing
Even started writing poems with a good rhythm
In a way, this felt patronizing

Funny how one human being can change a life
But was she aware
Aware of the changes she put in me
Or aware that she put the sweet in sweet Sixteen

I'm happy for my friends who cheered me on
As I took small steps to my unknown doom
For one this was definitely not fun
Depression and anxiety filling up the room

I thought actions spoke louder than words
Maybe I was a bad actor
Nor was I good with words
Needed to flip the page, start a new chapter

Maybe that's just how it is
This was the only way to learn the biggest lesson yet
Not to put my happiness on someone or something
But to chase my fantasies until I came face to face with reality

They say love is short
But forgetting is forever
I differ as my love will never die
Just gotta fake it and stay out of court!!

© TheGuy Sybo