

whisper the nature truth..

In nature's embrace, where whispers take flight,
Love and nature dance in harmonious light.
A bond intertwined, like family's embrace,
Universe's tapestry, woven with grace.

Planets Earth, a jewel in celestial array,
Where love's seeds blossom, in vibrant display.
Birds' voices serenade, melodies profound,
Nature's chorus echoing, enchanting sound.

Soulmate, a treasure found in nature's domain,
Two hearts entwined, forever to remain.
Yet heartbroken souls, with wounds that bleed,
Find solace in nature, to heal and succeed.

Hate and anger, storms that darken the sky,
Nature's resilience, lessons to apply.
For in the gentle breeze and sun's warm ray,
Forgiveness blooms, washing anger away.

In nature's realm, love's whispers take flight,
A symphony of life, a wondrous sight.
Let's cherish this bond, with hearts ever true,
For love and nature's union, forever renew.🌿🌿
© jainmitali