

I assumed us to be the Shore and Sea,
You surely have the right to be Angry on Me.
I regretted Letting go of your Hand,
We became like miserable plant and the Sand.

I still had a lot that I Wanted to Say,
I now only remain quiet for the entire Day.
I know you have Gone very Far,
I remember your Confession in my Car.

I feel like I might go Mad Thinking about You,
Confession of my Feelings are still on Due.
Please come Back and let me Tell,
That, Yes! I Love You so Well!!.

I wanted us to be Happy Together,
But you Left me, Ah! Whatever.
Whenever I decided to Move on,
It made me Upset reminding that You are Gone.

I'm thinking of Ways to Meet you Soon,
I was the Star and Yeah! You, the Moon.
I know you are Sad the way I am,
Life really Sucks! Damn!

© Bhoomish