

I write my thoughts in a book so they dont run away.
Although they still scower the pages looking for a way out.
Trying to find their way to you
And maybe some day, I hope they do.
This letter is more for me than it is for you...I have to let it out while it's still ripe ..or it just might ..get toxic ...intoxicate me till I've all but lost it.
Yes ...I'm beginning to feel the weight of my emotions, the heaviness....weigh down on me
Been bottling a sea of emotion that's becoming a tsunami...raging ...wishing it would hurt less ...overwhelming yet keeping a straight face. On the inside melting and on the outside completely still ...as if my flesh were made of bones and my bones were made of flesh.
Yes ...its like a horror movie and yes....I can't seem to find my neck ....anywhere on set by the way
Sometimes I don't know what to say hoping this or that will sound better ...coz sometimes feelings make you feel lesser....than you actually are ..sometimes
You wonder.... if you measure up ...you wonder ...if you're good enough...yet wondering ..never got you anywhere....
got me anywhere...