


I'm so tired of being strong
when everything inside of me is broken
I'm tired of getting up everyday
putting on a brave face
I'm tired of loving everybody
but hating myself
I'm tired of acting like words don't bother me
when they tear me down constantly
I'm tired of hearing keep the faith
when my faith is melting
I'm tired of being blown down
every time I try to get up
I'm tired of smiling, I'm tired of crying
tired of being too cold then being too hot
tired of this pouring rain and deep snow
tired of feeling everything then being numb
tired of being angry,
mad about the things I can't change
tired of being nice and biting my tongue
tired of trying and getting nowhere
tired of picking the wrong door
tired of the bullying and disrespect
I'm tired of faking
because you can't accept the real me
I'm tired of everything
I'm so tired...
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