

The beast
"The mist that engulfs the skies
Shall burst open...
And when the gates of the hevens break,
The monster will return, once last..."

A pair of bright red glowing eyes,
A coat of fur, black like his soul,
A screech that makes small babies cry
He wears a crown made of gold!

The monster's back again from Akkad!
You'll try to run, there's no escape...
His army waiting for his orders
Your world'll be conquered in a day!

A pair of bright red glowing eyes,
A mouth full of sharp white teeth,
A cry that makes maids die,
The rabbit will come for a blitz!

"The sun will rise down to his subjects,
Burning the heretics and blasphemers who take his name in vain,
They will suffer, his wrath,
Untill they learn to pray..."

He'll war the empires of the world,
He'll stand alone, against all...
He'll push his way and rise above,
You better kneel, it's your one hope...

A pair of bright red glowing eyes,
A voice that brings angels down from the skies,
A war that he will have to fight,
To rebuild his glorious empire!

He is the demon, he is pure evil,
He is the beast that slayed the lamb,
He's worse than Nimrod, but a bit civil,
He will have the world at his paw!