

In the depths of my heart,
Lies a story of love misfortune,
A tale of broken promises,
And shattered dreams that still haunt me.

Love was a game I thought I knew,
A game I believed I could play,
But in the end, it played me,
And my heart was left in dismay.

I gave my all to you,
My heart, my soul, my very being,
But you took it all for granted,
And left me shattered and broken.

I thought I was your one and only,
The apple of your eye,
But soon I found out,
That was just a lie.

You strayed away and left me hanging,
With nothing but a broken heart,
And even though I tried to move on,
I could not seem to make a new start.

The pain of love misfortune,
Is a wound that never heals,
A reminder of the love we lost,
And how it truly feels.

But still I hold on to hope,
That someday I'll find love again,
And though the heartache lingers,
I refuse to let it win.

For love may bring misfortune,
But it also brings great joy,
And though the journey may be rocky,
It's worth the pain it employs.

So let us not fear the misfortunes,
That love may bring our way,
For in the end, it's love that truly matters,
And will forever hold sway.
© Patidee