

Sylvia Plath
A teenage girl is searching
for a knife or something.
To test her gut
whether she can die or not.
She says," Dying is an art"
as she was not meant for the earth.
Motherless, lonely poetess
helplessly married Ted Hughes.
Hughes betrayed her,
started living with a domestic partner.
To her, this was unknown
and thus two children were born.
When she came to know,
her depression went high from low.
"A Mad Girl's Love Song", "Lady Lazarus","Tulips"
Her life withered just like her lips.
Finally after many failed ventures
for nine long years,
Into the oven, she put her head
"Dying is an art", again she said.
"I shut my eyes
and all the world drops dead
I lift my eyes
and all is born again."