

You can do this
In the depths of despair, where shadows loom,
I stand alone in the silent gloom.
The weight of doubt upon my chest,
Each step forward feels like a test.

But in the silence, a whisper calls,
A voice within, that breaks the walls.
"Keep moving," it says, soft and clear,
"Though the path is dark, your light is near."

With trembling limbs and weary soul,
I muster the strength to reach my goal.
Through tears that fall like autumn rain,
I press on, despite the pain.

For deep within, a fire burns,
A spark of hope that brightly yearns.
Though storms may rage and winds may blow,
I'll keep moving, and I'll grow.

With every step, I shed my fears,
And wipe away the bitter tears.
For in the struggle, I find my might,
And in the darkness, I see my light.

So onward I march, through the darkest night,
With faith as my guide, and hope as my sight.
For though the journey may be long and steep,
I'll keep moving, for I know I'll reap.
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