

What is Love?
I'm living in a fantasy
of your possibility,
your touch, your voice
sends chills down my spine
till I figure that the words are from the past
Your smile, is gone
but our laughter still buzzes through my ears
Do you look any different now?
If I saw you in a crowd, will I still recognise your heartbeat?

Short breaths, turn into deep sighs
in between pleasing myself, I begin to cry
your name, is my key word to explain any situation
and I know, you will understand everything I mean,
even if there are no words uttered
I know, you will stay if I just ask you

I dream about your eyes,
how beautiful you look when you blush
I wonder about what you're doing at different times
I don't think, I can live without you
for long enough
but I can't force you to love me again
I can't put myself to hurt you, which I know is inevitable
with time, you'll find happiness with some other person
while I'll build castles
and fortresses to guide what's left
of my broken , shattered heart...

© nervous_system