

Questions For Humanity
I look at the world with the eyes of a child,seeing no flaws,
I believe that happiness is not abroad,
But then I wonder, why are people sore?
I live a life I don't enjoy, hoping one day I can be a lord,
But then I ask myself, what am I living for?
I feel the pain and grief of man, I've loved and wished I had been a whore,
But then I wonder, was man worth dying for?
I see the struggles, hustles, and battles, we fight and strive for our kids to thrive,
But then I ask myself, is this not vanity?
We hope for forgiveness yet we render no apology,
Insanity, it is what defines humanities atrocity,
Democracy has turned Into hypocrisy,
Our legacy ridiculed into an object of mediocrity,
With great mind comes great responsibility,
Did king Solomon misuse his opportunity?
© Pierre_Jr