

I've been in the Darkness
I've been in the Darkness,
With no hope in sight,
Alone and terrified,
Searching for some light,

I've been at the bottom,
Of the devils HELL home,
Praying for a miracle,
Or a strong hand to hold,

I've walked down the road,
Which leads to Nowhere,
As if I was lost in a maze,
With NOBODY else there,

I have felt what it's like to be at my weakest,
With no will or strength within
Wishing I had a shoulder to cry on,
Or someone to call a friend,

I have felt the burn,
From HELLS raging fire,
Taking drugs to numb the pain,
I was weak to the devils desires,

But God never left me,
He showed me the light,
So I did what I had to,
I began to fight,

After taking the 1st step,
I saw a BEAUTIFUL sight,
Which gave me the strength,
To live my life right,

Before I knew it,
I had a new kind of high,
One that filled my heart,
With a sense of self pride,

God knew I could do it,
He saw what I was worth,
He was ALWAYS with me,
From the moment of my birth,

Even now I am at peace,
I found where I belong,
With Gods Grace,
I will remain STRONG...