

The Camping Cadets..
Guitars are not at all allowed..
Cadet..You know the rules right..
Keep them in music room up
Or warden will definitely punish tight

Oh!!..& soon as he turned back..
A camouflage figure..was standing by
You heard what I said as of now..
Go & keep it there in its position tie..

Yes!!..I will & there he went so quick..
A glimpse of smile came as a twist..
These cadets!!..& again the rounds..
Who was that??..who knows in mist

Huh!!..I will take it in my room only..
Who will see with keys door lock..
I suppose..that one was a passerby..
Let's have a night with a bit of rock..

& So it happened..a enjoy by teens..
Very well..a morning group in lamps
Cadets!!..music room missing a guitar
A whole team..desperate to find in camp..

That was enough for a blow off rough..
Imagine the strict rounds under fire
Where to keep..where to keep it now
& See that mind getting itself in tire..

I told you then..to keep it at it's place
& Figure came back..to call in light..
Oh..I am sorry..I was mistaken so much
But now..nothing can be done in slight

Ohk..give it to me quick oh cadet
& There.. figure hold it quick in hand..
Sargent's..here is your guitar with me..
Go & keep it right there in the stand..

The cadet went..smiling a bit hush off
A complete assembly now called wise
The figure stand. As the major himself
He was so calm..to speak up in rise ..

cadets oh cadets!!.yesterday a guitar miss
you know..one of you helped in to find
let that cadet be honoured specially..
& here he is..the name called in sight..

with honour truely going on exact..
the cadet..a bit pissed off to define..
after the assembly..all staff collected..
with MAJOR smiling in soft oblize..

you honoured a cadet today??.Really
where did your discpline went wrong
I really can't see a disciplined Major..
Is this the way??..you handle it along

Nope Sargent..it is a reminder to me
how Same once done by me in class..
that taught me discipline by grace..
& you see..I am here leading the mass