

- A Lovers Destiny -
At times you're lost in life,
not knowing what to do.
For answers don't come easy,
deciding fate for two.
When down your journey's path,
a fork has formed between.
Two roads laid out of love,
with ends,you lead unseen.
Still,either route you follow,
intentions pave with grace.
But one we walk together,
the others mine to face.
So how do you determine,
which directions best?
A war battles within,
from which you cannot rest.
Thoughts inside your mind,
and feelings from your heart.
That disregard each other,
are tearing you apart.
A soul's uncertainty,
blinds love to disarray.
You grasp familiar feelings,
no matter where they lay.
Regrettably your aim,
toward destinations known.
Has history repeating,
past already shown.
For if you want to mend,
love that's disconnected.
Beware the vicious cycle,
insanities affected.
Harnessing the power,
between you and your mate.
Embracing pain endured,
to realign your fate.
© Reba Mounce