

I don't know why.....
I don't know why?
as said in a fairytale..
a beautiful princess is waiting..
for a prince to rescue her...
I don't know why...
waste her time waiting..

eyes that always face ground..
with a hope less face..
chin down as the crown slips..
body covered in fear..
As if..a flower withering away slowly..

I don't know why..she don't think...
having the pride of the princess.
eyes,that throwing daggers..
having a pleasant yet dominating aura..
looking straight into their eyes
walking,filled with confidence....

Saying "I am not the princess in waiting for rescue..
I can handle this...this queen don't need a king"...
the princess stood up...

I don't why..people wait for others..
to rescue them..
believing some one might come for me..
hoping that fairytale would come true

In this world..the first person you should be trusting...
is yourself.
instead of waiting for someone...
sort it for yourself

Because confidence is attractive
trust forms bond..

- cRosé