

It feels so surreal.
Like i'm about to wake up from a bad dream.
Then don't.
Darkness is my companion again.
An empty hole for my soulmate.
This abyss, my significant other.
But this time i marry it.
Loneliness has been most faithful to me.
Anguish cherishes my heart most.
So i will cling to these.
As they never leave me.
i must embrace them.
Sadistic lovers that use pain to express truth.
My dark cloud has been missing me.
Depression caresses me and takes it's time giving me it's all.
I follow my shadow now,
doing just as he does.
Colors are grayed.
Food is like ash in the mouth.
Musical sounds are filtered noise.
Numbness is the peak of pleasure.
Breathing is suffocating.
Being awake is overrated.
The best part of the day is night.
My Goddess has forsakened me.
They say life is precious.