Frozen Silence
I wished if I could stay there along with you
I wished if I could read
Your solitude...
Those words were lighter than the snow
Whenever you spoke...
The silence you cloaked is frozen
You are a talisman or an enigma
I feel
I read
I reread
I trace
I indulge in a long discourse
With myself about you...
Days are books you wrote
With your riddles
I failed to solve
Still I resolve
Unbeaten mind dares revolve
I wished if I could read
Your solitude...
Those words were lighter than the snow
Whenever you spoke...
The silence you cloaked is frozen
You are a talisman or an enigma
I feel
I read
I reread
I trace
I indulge in a long discourse
With myself about you...
Days are books you wrote
With your riddles
I failed to solve
Still I resolve
Unbeaten mind dares revolve