

The Siren Song of Political Jingoism in Nigeria
In the land of Nigeria, where dreams are born, There echoes a siren song, a political scorn. Jingoism, it sings, with a tempting tune, Beguiling the masses, like a spellbound moon.Oh, Nigeria, a nation rich in diversity, Yet plagued by the venom of political perversity. The siren song lures, with promises so grand, But beneath the surface, lies a treacherous sand.Politicians dance to the tune of deceit, Exploiting the people, their trust they deplete. They wave the flag of nationalism high, But their actions speak of corruption, oh so sly.The siren song whispers, "Vote for me, And I'll bring prosperity, just wait and see." But the people, weary from broken vows, Question the promises, their faith it allows.Oh, Nigeria, a land of hope and despair, Caught in the web of political affair. The siren song echoes, dividing the nation, Fanning the flames of tribal segregation.But amidst the chaos, a glimmer of light, The people unite, ready to fight. They see through the veil of jingoistic lies, Seeking a future where justice never dies.Oh, Nigeria, rise above the siren's call, Stand tall, united, and never fall. Let not political jingoism divide, But rather, let unity and progress preside.For in the heart of Nigeria, beats a resilient soul, A spirit that refuses to be controlled. Together, we'll silence the siren's song, And build a nation where justice belongs.
© thekennyadetule