

A Good Recipe
Though I may not always like you
I will love you always
Stand by your side
And walk through this life with you
That is love
Though we do not always agree
We talk about it, compromise
Meet in the middle
And come to an understanding
That is called communication
I will not always be right
I know that and admit when I am wrong
You will not always be right
You know that and admit when you are wrong
We accept our faults,
realize it doesn’t matter who's right or wrong
What matters is that we respect each other’s opinions
Listen to what each other has to say
Think it over and either agree or
Agreed to disagree
That is respect
Love, Communication, trust and Respect
Four ingredients to any good relationship.
There is a fifth ingredient
Which is the most important
It should always come first
A relationship with God
God is where it should start and where it should end.
When you have the first four ingredients
You have the recipe for a good relationship
When you start with the fifth
And put your relationship with God first and foremost
You have a good recipe for a good marriage.

© AdrianeDSteele84💜