

Days had gone by, too much i have seen.
The gates of hell, as if i were in a dream.
I knew then i was dead, when i saw the anguish, the pain of the men.
The hopeless fate of the sinned and the damned.

The lords had pulled on the strings of their martyrs.
I wonder if they were as bad as they are treated.
Or is this the fate of every man.
The inevitable death that awaits.

I had met the deepest pits of hell.
Heard the unforgettable sounds of burning flesh.
The screams of the damned.
The chains of martyrdom.
Is this my fate?

At last i found it's end, or is it just the beginning.
I met the lord of lords, the satan himself.
He awoke his majestic form and approached me.
His lifeless stare pierced through my very soul.
I asked him, with the very last breath in my lungs.
What have i done, to become this cold?

He lifted a finger, and touched my head.
He said..
"I will show you your death"

I saw visions, of the day of the scene.
The reason for my punishment.
It was a clean reminder of what i had seen.

Alcohol drugs smoke, all in one car.
Handling the road, very difficult so far.
I keep dozing off, the alcohol is kicking in.
The only thing keeping me wake, is the cocaine i had stored in.

I'm singing my favourite song, headbanging to it.
But at the very last second, i don't hear it.
It's a dull silence, unlike anything I've ever heard.
I just heard a loud bang, my car took a turn.

The lights of a truck had flashed into my eyes.
As if I've seen the afterlife, seconds before i die.

I wake up in a bed, unable to move.
I could see my family, waiting outside the room.
They weren't coming in, my mother was crying
I should not be here.
As if the devil himself is punishing me, for the sins i paid dear.
If i am dead, just take me.
Don't make me witness their fear.

I beg him to erase me, for i long to be nothing.
He gives no answer. He stands silent.
I kneel down to him, praising him.
He gives no answer. He stands silent.

I give in to my rage, i punch the very grounds of hell.
I push the devil away with my very hands as i yell.
I feel no sorrow, no shame of my actions.
I seek no redemption, no second chances.
I only crave the pits of hell, and their endless warmth.
Reminding me of what i had become.

The devil had taken his primal form.
I had finally seen death.
The destroyer of the world.
The only words that murmured from his mouth.
"Tu infernum"
Before he melted through the ground.

I had woken up, hell was no longer by my grasp.
My eyes opened, everyone gasped.
No smoke or fire, no screams, no chains.
No demons but doctors
No martyrs but family.
Not the devil himself, but the reflection of myself.

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