

The Paper Boat
It was a lazy morning of a rainy day,
Sky was covered with cloud, so as my mind!
With a warm cup of coffee, gazing the rain falling.
Pitter patter of those rain drops, remind of childhood
Standing calm, watching my past days of joy;
Of floating a paper boat on rain water!

A boy of fourteen folding papers sitting on floor,
Frolic and excitement inculcated in his eyes:
Enthusiastic face, bight and shining skin express curiousity
He made a boat, out of paper!
Ran fast to float it on water, mother yelled behind!
"Be careful! don't get wet in rain" but in vein.

He made the boat with love and care!
Stands on brink of corridor, streched his hand;
Left that boat to flow with ripples of puddled water,
Clapped with joy the boat starts floating.
Staring the boat, it was going far and far—
A smile of innocent hopes for reaching it's unknown destiny.

The innocence of that age was so pristine
Even a lure of hope feels real, and then broken.
And forgot in bubble time, again a cheering child.
With passing of time childishness is gone
And grown up with knowledge of reality,
Like the paper boat, which drown wet in water.

It was a lazy morning of a rainy day
Things in past was good, was joy in me!
Can found colourful hue even in shady day.
By making of paper boat, in a rainy day.
Things changed with bizzare of time
Even a day of sun failed to make me gay.

Today I wondered, gazed that paper boat!
Flowing in the middle of puddled water
One more a raindrop falls on it, more it gets wet
And one more a raindrop fall on my face, I feel the boat.
Torn boat in water, torn me in grief;
But those raindrops whose touch, once felt as paradise!

The paper boat did double face, of fun and sad,
Make me saw the life in both smile and cry.
It remind me of old days, it reflects my present!
A simple paper boat it was, today I see my life,
Though days are gloomy and dark but still–
I cherish those days of Shakespeare's lover me!

© heart of a dying star
. #childhood #paperboats #Love #adult #fun #memories #Happiness #sad