

18 inches
18in is all it takes, to pick up a gun and make your last mistake, this is the distance between heart and brain, and also the reason why we are the blame, her over crowded prisons in single-parent homes, little black boys becoming men on their own, a family without a father is like a body without a head, without leadership and protection the family structure is dead, a prince can never become a king if he's never seen one, there's a pattern that each child follows that determines what they become, gang bangin dope slangin murderer dope fiend, these are the patterns that our children are seeing, whatever happened to Black panther pride, and all the people that died for our right to survive, Willie Lynch ain't got shit on the bloods and crips, blacks calling each other nigga and every woman's a bitch, songs written to celebrate the killing of our own kind, mothers mourn the dead and fathers do the time, a life for a life rather in prison or the dirt, commissary prison visits and memorial t-shirts, when did we become racist against ourselves, blacks killing blacks running to whites for help, 18in is all it takes, to put an end to the violence and save our own race, join hands with your brother and put down the guns, protect our women and raise our sons, a life for a life yours for his, give up your lives on the streets for the lies of our kids.

written by Orpheus the breath of life AKA Donte L Paxton Sr.
© Orpheus The Breathe Of Life