

A hearts decree
My heart is ill and I tend to him little,
being barely adrift on uncertain tides,
looking for loves shores,
yet since our paths crossed, I've been wholly submerged,
now I properly drown, I'll properly die.
Each passing hour, I'm convinced, come mornings dawn, all the love will be gone,
but your presence defies my hopes, not a single feeling lost, not a memory gone with the tides,
keeping me within your depths.
Lost, defeated miserably in this mystical realm,
from brittle hopes to ties that bind
and a heart that considers me a foe,
not asking for your hand, for I know how deep I fall, but some burns are worth the sores.
My heart is sick and I tend to him little,
though my love is abundant it can't accommodate many,
a fierce burn, would you only believe it if you saw the smoke.
One to keep, only for thee or to let it wait for deaths release, I dare to dream,
but if you're really a Well that's deep,
then I desire to offer the ocean and all its keep,
no fancy words just a hearts decree.

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