

Fragile Little Heart
Please. Be gentle with my fragile little heart.
He's still a bit of a child and not altogether smart.
He really means well and he'll love you deep and true,
But he's lacking in experience from things he never knew.

Please. Be gentle with my fragile little heart.
His needs are small and simple at the first sign of a spark.
He's seen a lot of hurt and felt a lot of anguish.
He doesn't mean to show himself in a loving foreign language.

Please. Be careful with my fragile little heart.
He's bled into the water and attracted all the sharks.
His feelings, though shown oddly, spawn from the deepest love,
And if you hold his loyalty, you'll always feel like you're enough.

Please. Be careful with my fragile little heart.
He never takes it well when you inevitably depart.
He doesn't want to go back to that melancholy haze,
That monopolized his time all throughout his younger days.

Please. Be careful with my fragile little heart.
He'll never fail to view you as a perfect work of art.
If you take him in and hold him with a love honest and true,
He'll gladly stay beside you until all our days are through.

© The Moonlight Bard