

Dancing in the Shadows
Silhouettes dance to the rhythm of the stars,
One embraces the light of the moon,
While the other dances quietly in the dark,
The sun will come up soon,
And shine so vividly on the girl in the eyes of the moon....

Days pass by as the dancers grow,
One, of confidence, love, and voice,
The other, of compassion, kindness, and quite noise,
Both unqiue in their own way,
Yet both are still dancers...

Who can perform the best?
Is hard work put into consideration?
Who can create the strongest applause?
Who will rise above?

As the first dancer does her act,
The applause is more than ever heard before,
The second dancer takes a step back,
As she receives her gesture to perform...

The prize is given to the first dancer who steps into the spotlight,
Her eyes glowing with happiness,
While the second dancer cheers her on,
The performance is over tonight...

Everyone comes up to congratulate the girl for her great show,
While one sole person approaches the second dancer and walks up from below...

He says, "You made me see the world in a new way,"
I hope that you know the impact you made on me today."

© Aligator