Nightmare Of The Christmas Tree.
I wake up in my bed,
I hear a little bell,
I hear peeping in my head,
I have the christmas tree in my living room,
I hear laughing,
I'm in doom,
I have no classes on zoom.
I get up to my living room,
I see presents under the tree,
But there is a peasant that wants tea,
Is there somebody on a killimg spree.
Is this a nightmare,
Do I really dare,
Give a useless stare,
So it will better scare,
For something that you want to flare.
The nightmare has just begun,
Beyond dawn,
I know I need some sleep,
But I think in my mind,
very deep,
Shall I preform a deadly lead.
My head feels shaky,
But something is not right,
What is going on tonight,
The christmas tree is turning dark,
I am trying to contact my friend, Clark,
About everything,
The phone does not work,
Nor the competition,
It wil lurk,
I think I am a jerk.
This nightmare, I can feel it,
I hear someone behind the christmas tree,
I look behind the tree,
But first i'll count to three,
But I need assistance from curling up in my bed sheet...
I start to count...
Like Mother was never proud...
But this time I doubt...
I hear a little bell,
I hear peeping in my head,
I have the christmas tree in my living room,
I hear laughing,
I'm in doom,
I have no classes on zoom.
I get up to my living room,
I see presents under the tree,
But there is a peasant that wants tea,
Is there somebody on a killimg spree.
Is this a nightmare,
Do I really dare,
Give a useless stare,
So it will better scare,
For something that you want to flare.
The nightmare has just begun,
Beyond dawn,
I know I need some sleep,
But I think in my mind,
very deep,
Shall I preform a deadly lead.
My head feels shaky,
But something is not right,
What is going on tonight,
The christmas tree is turning dark,
I am trying to contact my friend, Clark,
About everything,
The phone does not work,
Nor the competition,
It wil lurk,
I think I am a jerk.
This nightmare, I can feel it,
I hear someone behind the christmas tree,
I look behind the tree,
But first i'll count to three,
But I need assistance from curling up in my bed sheet...
I start to count...
Like Mother was never proud...
But this time I doubt...