

I Wish You Well
In another life,
I wish you have everything;
Happiness, good health and a blissful life.

In another life,
I pray you marry the man you truly love,
The one who respects and love you the mosts,
Bear the children I always dreamt to have;
the tiny angels whom I longed to carry in my womb.

In another life,
I pray you will never experience pain and worries,
Hurt; disappointment, and regrets.
Dear, I wish you well.

In another life,
I hope you already found your purpose,
Motivated, inspired and eager to live life at its best;
that you are fearless, but God-fearing too.
I wish you all the best,
"My darling,
Love life and treasure every bit of it.
Be safe out there.
We won't be able to meet in person, but I always wished you well.
I love you."

-A draft-

(it's supposed to be a happy poem when I started to draft it just to welcome the very first day of september, but it turned out sad and very unrhymed.
To my other versions out there where parallel universe do exists; and if it really is, I wish you well.❤️)