

"Whispers of the Night"
In the quiet of the night, the moon whispered to the sea,
"Tell me of the tales you hold, of ships and mystery."
The sea, with waves that gently sway, replied in a soft plea,
"I carry secrets of the depths, of lost treasures unseen."

The moon, with its gentle glow, asked the stars above,
"Are you the dreams of lovers lost, shining with eternal love?"
The stars, in their twinkling dance, answered from afar,
"We're the wishes of the dreamers, lighting up the night's memoir."

In this silent conversation of objects far and wide,
The moon, the sea, the stars confide, in the language of the night they bide.
A tale of whispers in the dark, where inanimate objects speak,
Of mysteries untold, of dreams and hopes they seek.
© inspirelink