

Hold You Close
Hold You Close

I wanna hold you close, feel your warmth spill into mine.
I want to gaze into your eyes, not for their color,
But for the soul that flickers behind them—
The one that pulls me closer without words.
You, so real, so unpretentious, like fresh air after the rain.
I always wanted someone like you,
Not just beautiful, not just cute, but grounded—
The kind of presence that makes the world quiet.

You're smooth, like the softest rhythm that plays under my skin.
I catch myself drifting, not from anything you say,
But from the way you just are—
An effortless dance, a reflection of ease.
You don't need to be loud; your silence speaks
In ways that no sound ever could.

I wanna hold you close, feel the night surround us,
Not as a blanket, but as a whisper,
As if time itself has decided to stop.
There’s something about the way you move,
Not hurried, not trying to prove anything.
Just existing, and in that, I find peace.

I’ve always wanted a connection that wasn’t forced,
That didn’t need to be explained or dissected—
Just known, like the ocean knows the shore,
Like the sun knows when to rise.
You are that quiet knowing, the thing I was searching for,
Without even realizing I had been searching.

I want to hold you, not to possess,
But to feel the spaces where we meet—
Where your breath becomes mine,
Where our hearts find a rhythm all their own.
And in those moments, I don’t need to say it,
But I want you to know—
I have never found anything more real than this.

I wanna hold you close,
Closer than words allow,
And let the night wrap around us,
Let the silence tell the stories we no longer need to speak.