

I lust for one second of your affection, one caress for your touch, one glance of your eyes.

You tend to put spells all over my hips, to my belly button, making its way straight to the back of my spine sending shivers threw out my entire body, you whisper i love you into my ear and i become breathless, paralyzed by your sweet words, i hold on to this moment like im holding on to my last chance if life like clinging full grasp to a rope and theres blood hungry sharks swimming below me,
I never wanna forget your smell, your touch, your presence, i long for you even
when your gone, i start to feel so alone, so fragile, i just want you near me all the time.. I hate feeling so vunarable and frightened... Honestly you're the only reason why im not so much of a coward, i swear i pick up your confidence and bracery, strength , the truth is, even tho sometimes it may seem i do, I never actually get bored of you b, because your eyes alone have a million stories to tell me,


oh how excited i am to hear your stories every second i
Of the day my love~