

Adventure Of Love
I have this crush,
They are so sweet,
They don’t see me begging for them to see me,
They’ll probably never know.

I finally talked to them today,
I felt like I couldn’t breathe,
Yet I still managed to say hi to them,
They probably think I’m weird now.

They asked me out!,
I was surprised to be honest,
I can’t even say a word without stuttering,
Now I have to try to make sure they don’t leave me.

I feel like they’re falling out of love,
I’m probably being delusional as they said,
They’re too good for me,
They forgot my birthday today but it’s not a big deal, right?

They cheated on me,
After four years of being together,
Now I know how toxic they were,
All those years I was right,
They really were falling out of love.
© Mads