

Back to School August 2021
School 2021

I have a new teacher.😆
We have a new class.🙌
My new class is tiny.😬
We're all wearing masks.😷
At first I was scared😫
about how things would change.😕
School was closed for so long.😩
Would it feel bad or strange?🤐
But today I rode back😉
to my school on my bus.🚌
I sat by myself.😳
There wasn't a fuss.🙃
Not on my ride 🙂
or when we got to school.🏫
We stood far apart.😅
We learned some new rules.👩‍🏫
Our teacher read books.📖
We all shared our names.😸
What I thought🤔
would be different😒
was almost the same.😪

Tq ^_^ don't forget to follow