

the westerner
To the west I go
To the west I blow
On a stormy sea
I have a face
Not quite my race
Nor my familiar tree

My audible sounds
Have the grounds
Whereby I am named
I curse the pledge
That ruined the hedge
And made man famed

I own my body like I own a word
I choose mankind for falling not the bird
Nor the creatures of a woodland trail
But stay and hear the content of my tale

There's many a tree
Remembered as infamy
And crime is lodged therein
I came from school
I spoke to the fool
Of their wit where do I begin

I followed the road
Saw a corpse erode
And be disfigured by time
My energies
Came from my eyes
I saw dullness in its prime

There beyond the waters which contain
The many fishes which can fuel the brain
Detention sickened me while by the rule
I sat in classes tutored by a fool

Exhibit A came and it went
I longed for reason then was sent
To other pitches other ditches
Swarming with those bugs
That eat eachother and my flesh
Was pushed downhill by many thugs
And found my self in mesh

I abandoned everything
Through phase I prayed to a king
Then dispatched my faith below
It was warped you see I show
The medic is a fool
Yet draws it in
A financial sin
They are those lives in pond and pool

After the shock
I ran amock
I diced with fate besides
I delivered my cause
I renounced the laws
And swam against the tides

One early morn
A twilit dawn
Commenced with purple vapour
Like a dusty haze
That goes on for days
Such a theme to record on paper

I open both eyes
And I surmise
That much of my power is gone
And I stink to the very bone
And I they stigmatise
Like a fool who thinks he's wise
And clouds the judgment on
When previous it only shone

And I will reek into the very clouds
I will not give a cleansing to my frame
The ponging flesh will like those shrouds
In tomb decayed like name

I will rant my rages
I prohibit cages
To take me into room
I'll map my plan
Though I am wan
I'll live before my doom

A grim adventure I am urged
To make my goal so I emerged
A warrior in my soul
That paradise
Be it land of ice
Or hot as hellish hole

I'll count the sum
Give o'er my thumb
And bite it at my foes
I'll curse their head
I'll brave the dead
If they should rise as woes

But still the summer comes
To beat the drums
And like wood submerged in fire
I'll burn in soul
I'll take the role
Of one descent into mire

Or I'll cut my throat and by my affairs
Be troubled like the winds which shake the trees
And blind myself because a man who dares
Observe the world might choose the desert seas

Where dune
Arabian tune
Makes dizzy all the ships going by
Disaster in a cloud
And sand allowed
I'll measure myself by the sky

On and on and on I grow
And to what end I can not know
Dishevelled I still live
The gems which roll
To end the dole
Are gone like drops through sieve

Poor is the quake that would destroy the earth
I begin to wonder had it so much worth
To be another child
Whose mother meek and mild
Gave him a raucous birth
His shrieks produced such mirth

In a maternal home
Not far I came to roam
I stayed like a loyal friend
Constant as a star to the end
But brief as life is
And tribulation is
I'll be damaged til death on the mend

My path begins to spiral from control
And I in spirits move along the ditch
I attempt escape and with a humour droll
I see my tragedy is a glitch

I'll send some words
Like a Francis to the birds
I'll eat an apple to its core
Let a woman show me the door
Saying the barbed wire
Is not there but yes the fire
And I am the blaze
Choose your exit well
When you hear solemn bell
It tolls and will toll for days

So now I find myself in a grave
I was murdered for being a knave
And sent to another time
I'll appeal like a fool
I'll groan like a duel
Has ended my life and in prime
But then I saw a wizard
His eye bent on me
O oz are you the blizzard
That storms the roaring sea

Are you the natural rage
That baulks the crust beneath
Or the hulk I read on page
With a badge and a wreath

No no no no I say
Do not eliminate my day
Prolong my song
Despise my eyes
If they witness such harms
Like the slaughters on the farms

I see the herd
Torn throats
If a word
The lamb dotes
On the mother that lies in a pool of blood
Smeared along the floors with the mud
I declare mankind a dud
I take to myself a bud
Be it lilac or a rose
Or a bluebell
Verse , prose
Or a rhapsody on hell

Grief is such a station and a state
And too the search for mate
And too the search for a med
To take with a potion my head

I am tormented as is the mouse by the cat
Or the gutter by the rat
Or the neck by the vampire bat

A fool
Is a tool

Whereby the learned can let off the steam
Of laughing at those without a dream

These ambitious guards
Of the lessoned bards
I chew their words and like a stint on ocean
I unravel what means the commotion
What stirs in the brain like anointment
What stirs in the blood like appointment
What levels the ground when it should be a curve
What pollutes the waves to cease what acts would serve

Like a theme
Like a beam
Pouring from the sun at noon
Pouring from the moon
When the horizon devours the light
And all is submerged in night
And all is black and not white
All blindness instead of sight
And placing war craft instead of kite
And killing peace with wrathful mite

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