

An enormous afterthought
Life Is Sad. Life Is Bleak. Terrible Pain makes me weak. A stormy weather of clouded emotions,a rain of tears block out any devotion..

Slip and fall on the face of life,a hoodlum of clumsiness content on being spent.

AN afterthought of regret,regurgitated over and over again,until the circumstance permits it to end.....
But then............

A relaspe of negative Narcissistic
Neanderthals plummet down a mountain on to a bed of red ruby roses as the antelope watch and wrinkle their noses.

A catalogue of cats collect cashews as minnows manipulate magnificent garnets gathered by giddy geese.

A hopeless romantic reminisces erratically about his adoring love.

However his adoring love,unbeknownst to him,reminisces about her current love....

The End......
© dimples5feet3