

Mirror Monster: Inspiration Addition
A silver mirror kept in my room,
showcasing everything in an impartial way,

It lits everything with it's silver gloom,
when it gets hit by the golden sunray...


The handsome, innocent boy stares aimlessly into the abyss of which his black pupils offered,
Once home to the cheerful glee and full of joyous smiles, now remains lifeless Death with the fade of lost hope, "..not that it ever mattered."

Grown men bred to harsh physicality, but womans left to their soft bread, providing the love she knows how; Why cut short with that tone of anger?
Once best friends, hand in hand; a promise of forever, now seeming far and impossible due to the hands being a stranger...

Who are you now?

....he turns and faces the ones who once loved him...
...For he no longer is here...
Only, The Mirror Monster...
...A reflection of the man he once was... For he never was a man to begin with...

© LoneWolfPoems