

The End.
Its funny the way you treat me as if I don’t know you
I’ve been through hell and back just to know you
I’ve always been there when you needed me most
I always fought by your side unlike most

I held your hair back when you needed me too
I’ve always been the one who never deceived you
Honest, loyal and your trusted equal
But in the end, tossed aside like a shitty sequel

I don’t mind leaving you be
But in the end, you’ll still be crying to me
I was honest and true, never once used you
Not for money, status, love nor your body too

I was always the responsible one who’d protect you
No one has even gotten close when you were drunk too
High on acid, coke, weed and shrooms
Never once did I let anything bad happen to you

For so long I was there, for so long I truly cared
But now you lost me on your way to the top
Hope you’re successful and our career doesn’t flop
If it does, I won’t be there to pick you up

You will realize with what type of people you’re stuck
But you’re a big girl, don’t need my advice
Guess that’s why you decided to stab me with a knife
Wish you stabbed me in the heart not the back

That way I could hug you goodbye and never look back
But in the end, I lost my respect for you
Wishing for your success and hoping your “friends” don’t hurt you
This is the end; you made your final shot. Hope you don’t get lost in the dark.

© Brooklyn.C