

Do you really?
Oh I know you love me
Oh I know you miss me
But everytime I send you those words
I feel so worthless and hard to love because you left me on read

I know I mean a lot to you
But you don't love me as much as I do to you
I wanna be treated the way you treated your past crush
I want your attention, I want your love and affection

Nothing will ever be cringe when it comes to you
Because I'm head over heels for you
Fuck, what the hell did I do?
To make myself feel this way and hurt for you

I'm still questioning myself if you love me too
Because mom said "He's just using you" and I'm trying to prove her wrong
So help me, ok?
I know she does not mean it but it hurts

So tell me, do you really love me the same way I do? or I'm the one loving you more?

© RylL