

Poem Of life
I feel my heart is wrenching and I ask myself is it all worth it? The pain... the crying... the anguish...Makes me talk to God, but in what language? God, how do I proceed? God replys: 1st my child get on your knees, Pray to Me your God and tell Me what it is that you need... Dear God, 1st off I want to thank you for giving me life, I feel like I owe you cause I haven't been living right... God replys: well my child I gave you free will, and no matter what you have done I will forgive... God, why is it that I still feel like crying? I'm going through so much pain but I don't feel like dying, that's why I won't give up and I keep on trying... God replys: well my child I gave you my Word, so never should you forget what it is that you heard.... God, you did tell me what I needed to know and it by choice that I didn't continue to grow and go with your Divine flow... God replys: my child it's okay, this is a brand new day just learn to change from your old way. You still have free will so do as you say... God, I say I truly want to leave the life I lived (devil) behind and live for You for the rest of my time. My problem is I'm not sure how I turn my old ways into the new can you please tell me exactly what I need to do or can please give me a clue?........ God, I haven't received your reply, I'm sitting here wondering Why... God please help me, I don't want to die... After what seemed like the longest moment in time, I happened to pick up my phone and you wouldn't believe just who was on my line. It was the Presence of the Divine: what I heard was go to my Word and read Proverb. There you will learn how to become wise and stop all your foolishness and all those lie's. The lie's you was told to believe just do as I God tell you and will be relieved. My child make sure you are ready to receive in order for you to plant your garden in The New Seed... I thought for while and for the 1st time in years I began to SMILE.... then I heard: this is not a test it's only a trial.... hum I wonder what that means? This is when I began to fall asleep and went into a dream. I saw a sign that said "Where Sweet Dreams Are Made. " I knew right then I had to be brave and maneuver through this life's maze... I heard my mom's voice saying to me Jerrie don't you let them take your PEN it's all you need in a true friend. I said to her, I won't...then I was locked up in prison and the Warden came and asked to see my pen, it was as if my life was about to end. I said loudly No and that's when he turned into the devil and his true identity began to show. I ran back to my bed and started to write, what I wrote was a book called "The Book of Life"... All I remember is waking up in a daze. All I could think to do was to write this next phrase: Hold yourself accountable for your own actions. It's up to you what you do as your passion... My passion has always been to write. This is when I received the LIGHT that was so bright that it's energy gave me so much Might and I begin to truly fight for my rights as well as for my sister's and brother's and for the lives of others. I felt the love of my Mother, of my Grand Mother's and of Mother Earth. This when I became new in a spiritual Re Birth as who's Will I Ams .... as Love Life Of Victorious Evangelist Jerrie Williams so I dedicate this poem to my sister PAM (R.I.P) I'll see you in the Heavens above when it's my turn to come flying like a Dove🕊️
© Love Unkle TT Jerrie