

I've waited all day for you
And then I waited all night
At the end of the evening
You go turn out the light

You lay down to go sleep
And say babe just go to bed
And you haven't really listened
To a single word I've said

You spend every passing minute
With your phone or laptop too
And you barely respond at all
I've even messaged you

But I can't say baby see me
Cause then I've got some "issue"
Couldn't it just be
That I'm a foot away and miss you

You say you can't be glued
To my messages 24/seven
But I'm only wanting minutes
Undivided, maybe 10 or eleven

At some point I will accept
That you just aren't really into me
And close up my heart
Then it's just too late to be

Hurt turns to passive aggressive
And a form of silent contempt
But It's only just my love
For which you'll be exempt

Each moment is mud
That forms many bricks
My walls get build higher
With this mud and broken sticks

Then all of that kindness
That we both once knew
Will be locked in those walls
That you can't get through

~ DieselSS

© DieselSS