

What if it was your child
The one you pressed to the ground
What if you had died
Before you could turn her around

What would you say to God
"I was satisfying my urge?"
How would u explain the blood
the one u shed all over the church

What was going through your mind?
When you forcefully snagged her dress
Did her screams deject your insides
Was there any form of regret?

"God please have mercy"
What about when she begged for yours
"I don't want to go to hell"
Yet you pounced on her without remorse.

She bled through her eyes
You still thrust yourself inside
She kicked and she shoved
You heard as she sobbed

She begged you; "please stop"
But you only used more force
Her life sneaked through her breath
You rode her till death.
Now with your God
Lies your recompense

The woman is not an object of sex
Learn to control your urge
For u will surely reap what you #whatwebelieve