

Issues regarding Life.
Too much bundle to bear,
enormous loads but none to share,
Withholding my dreams, just to put a smiles on those that matters,
I got so depressed and couldn't beat up to time,
Yes am fine , Thus this have been my reply,
each day is just like a memories of a moving train,
It's seems running and unstoppable,
the more it's seem to reach its stations the faster it's got.
Should I voice out,
Should I encrypt My words and feelings on a marble before I kiss the dust ,
Yes time and tide wait for no man
Am damn too young to be stressed ,
The sauce for the goose is also sauce for the Gander,
But What's the value of life when the main goals and dreams seem like a laughing stock,
To really call a spade a spade,
Life is a bed of roses,
That's my point of view at first, then I realised that I was wrong concerning the issue of life.
© Danstan