

Christmas Wish
Dynamic with all of its complexities, Intelligent, beautiful, and irreplaceable... You.
People bask in the solace that one day they'd find the right person.
Lucky me, the right person I've been waiting for is...you.
You'd giggle, you'd wonder why I'd think you're the right person? okay, lemme digress a bit.
Truth is, there are no "right persons". It's all fugazi, an illusion. There's no such thing as a "soul mate", it's all a choice we make. A choice to love and be loved endlessly. I'm tryna say the Aura your divinely shaped body brings ignites my soul. I'm saying, I choose you and your entirety for no other moves me as you do.
With You, it wasn't just love at first sight, it was the feeling of being whole again, the feeling of finding that missing piece of me. Oh, Darling, you complete me.
Another yuletide season is here again, and as usual, life and its unfairness successfully keep you away from me.
The profound joy of this season eludes me because I can't share this moment with you.
Others are comforted by gold and silver, food and wine, gifts and surprises.
Even in the abundance of the aforementioned, my burning desire, my wish, is... You.
The Eve of celebrations is here, and without an iota of doubt, I'm certain about what I want for Christmas.
My beautiful beautiful Beloved, all I want for Christmas... Is... You.
It's so hard to prove this fact to you but know this, I try in my little way. The fact is; I love you.
© Olatunde Gbenuola