

Miles Into Thoughts
If you walked a mile
in my shoes
would it bring you happiness
but it may bring you
more then you thought
Which others
explain as
The charms which you snap
and make happen
To make living in this life
to walk and say hey
can I make this work
well no answers
but you go at it all
And smile when
you flip a turn table
or beat in your space
Which is speech replaced by
beats of a verse to the
very different
Which you can here miles away
as you ride down that mousey
bands practicing street.
Then the music
could take you
outside yourself
An stop you
from being sad
about other stuff
Which the Holy Lord
made you forget for your
own good.Like the brains safety
net which will not
let you think on it
For long
Short term memory
Can take you away
Just as fast as a siren
zooming down the street
heading to a scene
Which may need them
more then you
So you know it's
difficult to cry about
what your mine makes you forget
sometimes. Oh some sadness
does touch you when you think
on it.
© lashes