

Creative Poem
Creative Poem by Thokozani Ndinisa


Everything longs for you
Yes, once we have found you…
We become something else
As you make us to feel safe…
Yes, you give us hope and peace
Once we have found you…
We become more happy,
Love you build us up and strengthen us along the way!

Beyond reasonable doubt…
You are the greatest gift to humanity, and we cherish you,
Life without has no meaning…
In you, we live and find peace
Yes, you teach us many lessons
While you allow us to meet beautiful and wonderful people
You create moments that last forever once we have found you!

Love you are my rock
My refuge and fortune
I celebrate you
As you live within our hearts
You are my treasure and I will live to share you with the whole world

T.Ndinisa Creative literature Content Production © Thokozani Ndinisa Qoutes