

The loneliness of being misunderstood
For the majority of folks, loneliness is the absence of love and adoration from people, whether it be familial, friendships or romantically
Even though I wholeheartedly agree with that statement, for me, true loneliness is being misunderstood
Being misunderstood by those who you desperately want to be understood by
Since my childhood, I've always prided myself on being the smartest in the room, and if I wasn't, I'd make sure I'd be the smartest the next time
And so I've always been a critical thinker - so plotting, dissecting and comprehending has always come easy to me
But with all that being good and well, it does has it's downsides
My cup of knowledge is overflowing and the spaces I occupy and step into, feed off that
But who fills my cup, who do I feed from?
Who's willing to take the time to further get to know me, and explore my unique brain, thoughts and competencies?
Cause a lot of days I feel caged, in my own mind
Not able to bounce ideas back and forth with someone
Not out of a lack of intelligence, just from their often nonchalant and go-with-the-flow standpoint,
With no desire to expand their field of knowledge
That's why I respect wisdom so much and have a deep desire to acquire it, but I am also mindful that it comes with age and experience
I am of the hope that one day I'll be freed from my confinement, and that I'll be able to expand and elasticate my brain even more
But even more, that I'll be understood in my time, and not when I'm in the soil