

Emily you know…
Emily you know poems are not just written words. They are soft taps of reassurance for everyone that it's okay to be imperfect, unique and misunderstood.

Emily you know your own sad story. The one I always write about with my many metaphors and exaggerated symphonic words. With my thousand words you have taken a thousand names.

Emily you know the reassurance spoken of. The one spoken to the heart of the weary soul. Maybe with a voice like a soothing melody. And when it whispers it's hidden truths, heavy eyes are released of burden.

Emily you know I see your thoughts. When I close my eyes and reflect on my past days. When whispered reassurances can do no good. I read them as though they are mine. Like we aren't two entities existing in one body. Sharing a soul and and two unguided spirits.
© Ema(Mae)