

I Love You
Behold her, single in the garden
A very beautiful flower plucking lass.
The glare of her eyes mesmerize my heart,
And it give me a feeling called Love.

The glare of eyes act like knife,
Her soft red lips gives me a blush of life.
Her blowing hairs, weep my fears
And her pink cheeks, bound me to give flying kiss!

I can feel the beat of my heart,
Because her love bring out my inner art.
I wait in her window to meet with her
But she never came to give me a hiii !

The whole day, I saw myself in mirror
To only trace out my errors;
Only for perfection to her.
And to give her the essence of my love.

As the dawn of the day fell down
I became stand & still on my house lawn.
She was singing & playing her violin,
And the whole breeze freshes by her humble lay.

And on next sunrise, she back to her garden;
I thought to say her my heart's sound.
So, it would be a less of love burden
I went in front of her with courage in heart.

I gave a wave hi ! To her
She give a sweet turn to me
I request her to pardon me a minute of her,
And she give me a bow like yes !

I am a waiting flower, of your love.
My heart get mesmerize, with every blink of your eyes.
You have settled in my heart like an arrow,
As like you my heart's sparrow.

Your eyes's glare act like spark on me!
I stand still by your humble lay
I dismayed a lot in your love,
I felt like a stone fall on my heart.

With all my heavy soul, I love you by core heart.
I will dispersed if you reject it.
So far with all these, I want to say you that,
I love you, I love you and I love you a lot!

© heart of a dying star
.My first poem when I was in 9th standerd.

#Love&love #firstlove #forever #memories #childhood #Morning #flowers